Jun 11, 2009

Mirror talk.

We’ve seen a lot of classy hotels that provide lifts with mirror inside, but have you ever thought about the function of those mirrors?

Well, some might say it’s another cliché interior design which have been copied-cat over and over again in most of the hotels;

..and, maybe some might say it gives that little lift a roomy and spacious feel by putting the mirrors inside;

..erm, some might say it’s a little friendly touch provided by the hotels for their guests, in order to check their appearance before going out of the lift and meeting somebody important in lobby..;

.. some might even say it’s something about Feng-Shui or perhaps a ‘Ghostbuster’ trick.. etc etc etc.

So what say you?

Mirrors inside a lift are put up for a reason. It’s for the sake of conveniences of our wheel-chaired friends, so that they don’t have to turn around, and still be able to keep an eye on the level of the lift which would appear on the digital board near the entrance.

Most of the time we think and speak and act on behalf of ourselves, sometime we just have to re-look things from somebody else’s perspective, and every time –every minutes and every seconds -- is the time to quit egoism and quit being self-centered.


Shunza said...

r u having some problem regarding self-centerism and egoism or u're just having a plain boring life that make u write this post?


Fatma frm FB said...

I spot the word cliche! hohoho

Aiman Hakimi frm FB said...

I used that comment in ur blog -- so ur comment here is another cliche.. !!

Jass frm FB said...


azani frm FB said...

I think putting the mirror in the lift etc. is a brilliant idea coz it serves many purposes ( as you listed out).

Anonymous said...


ilamusa said...

yup quit being ego and self-centered...nice post dik

SpidEy d'lEfty said...

let's just hope this is not a post that make us discuss bout the function of the mirror... kak Ilamusa, i think u've got my point.. tq.

fazsarah said...

its really impressive
that u actually did ur home work
on what is the main function
of the mirror. haha!
anyway still remember me?
im bck here writing again!
yahoo! but my writing has definitely
became poor again. haish.
hope to hear frm u soon.
take care!

ARWEN_my said...

salam Aiman,

i love this entry, which i do always asked myself about these mirrors. but actually in truth we could potray ourself in behind of what the purpose in looking but you do not ever look..dats why we need lots of mirror.

p/s- i'm back in writing Sophie's blog if you wud like to read tho

Anonymous said...

I have left the blogsphere long ago. I am back reading today and am very happy to re-stumbled your blog. I saw my old-self in your blog.

(I think you know who I am).
Keep on writing please!