Jan 23, 2011

... waiting is another episode.....

He's waiting for her to come back. The one he used to know.

For the time being, things gone hazy -- he's unsure about the journey she'd travelled, neither the duration of the deviation.

Maybe forever it is.

Hence, the episode begins.


Many of my readers waited, I then realized.

The best (most sarcastic?) response I've received regarding my hiatus of blogging was:

"Hey so you left behind your 'lEft Nothing Behind' eh?"...

:) I mean, thank you -- Yup I've been to India, twice, within 1 month time.. so I assume I'm supposed to blog about the awesomeness of the journeys -- but look at here, this is how we spell 'procrastination'...

... and I'm sorry for the long wait, things gone hazy lately. Promise I'll come back.
