Jan 2, 2007

4095.2m, the peak; 2007, the start.

The fact is, yes I did promise some of my readers to post pictures on the peak of Mt. Kinabalu, but this post was being composed, right here right now, not under any intention of hitting those promises. The fact is, C'MON, I've been to the top roof of Southeast Asia -- OF COURSE it's going to be a MUST for me to show it off!!

... but, still.., the fact is, I've nothing to say about.,, or put it in this way, the feeling of speechless when getting to the top of the mountain is still deep inside my heart -- It's the feeling of dream comes true, it's the feeling of self-assurance.

A few names to thank. Fariz, my mentor who leads me becoming 'wild' and 'cool', and for those who are interested to know, being my guarantor of my MSc. study, Fariz supposed to make sure I stay inside classroom, study and excel... ; Amir, another cool guy who has 'Adventurous' as his middle name; Emy, my companion to reach the peak of the mountain; every names under the flag of PETRONAS Sabah, they are simply the best and the coolest; Poon, 5zal, Togok, Min, Azwa, Dani and Juanne, they are the ones who gave me 'guilt-free' pass to skip classes.. hehe..; and.. erm.. .. Prof. Rudy.

Well obviously this is the last post of my Mt Kinabalu journey, but it's too another start of my journey of pursuing my further dreams. I remember well when I dreamt about reaching the peak of Mt. Kinabalu during age of 15, my friends laughed at me. And recently I told some of my friends that I sort of 'received' a 'calling' from the highland of Tibet, again, my friends laughed at me.. Hmmm.. let's see...

What's next? No, not yet for the highland which is higher than the peak of Mt Kinabalu.. After reaching Southeast Asia's highest point, I'm setting off to the world's largest cave at Mulu. :> PEACE. Next after that? I'll go diving in Similan, west coast of Thailand.. 80% planned. hehe, PEACE again... 2007, what a wonderful kick-start for an adventurous dream-catcher.. ;> PEACE, again and again. :p

Happy 2007 to y'all!!

Spider, killing time in The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf, Jusco, Ipoh.


Anonymous said...

saya suka gambar yang 2nd last tu...really interesting..very artistic n tue to nature..good aiman..next time snap more nice view for m ek?..edayu..

Anonymous said...

cool stuff!! I'm planning to get up to the peak as well.. ur story is certainly a real inspiration for me!! Thanks!

SpidEy d'lEfty said...

Edayu, that photo is taken by my friend Fariz.. camera Aiman sempat snap the sunrise view je, pahtu terus battery kong..hehehe.

To dream, thanks for dropping by.

Anonymous said...

HappY belated 2007!! heheh m late!

kama said...

seems exciting!! tak sejuk ke woi.. :) aircond opis pon buat aku menggigil...