Dec 25, 2006

When you believe. -- a letter to Prof. Rudy

Dear Prof. Rudy,


I'm writing this to u after knowing that u actually expressed ur dissappointment towards the not-up-to-100% attitude of us in learning during the final lecture of u. I apologize about that. Sorry sir I just have to admit that, I'm one of those who not giving 100% commitment to ur lecture.

I know skipping lectures is certainly not a good attitude for learning, and I just did, even worse, skipping 2 days of lectures, for a silly reason like climbing up to 4095.2m height and then coming back down.

...but that's what being young and dangerous means, I guess... :>

Remember the small talk between us about Crocker Formation? U said that u believe there are karst holes lie beneath the islands around Mt Kinabalu, like the 'Blue-holes' lie beneath the Bahamas Island -- and then u added that not many people knowing that and only those who held this belief think of exploring and discovering it.

U know what? That remarks impressed me. Yes u're right sir, it is the 'BELIEF' that pushes us to keep on discovering and exploring -- our life, our dream, our world, and ourselves.

... even though sometimes, we need to sacrifice, like skipping 2 days' lectures of carbonate sedimentology. :p

(..and I guess that explained why I decided to set off the journey..)...

I know u were a diver when u were young. So I guess you'll know what's the feeling like at every descent u made downward to the bottom of the sea -- like wise, my journey of climbing-up bears the same significances -- we learn at every stage we are, and we surprised when things around started to change everytime we decide to move on.

I'm not going to share what I'd perceived in this journey of climbing up to the top roof of Southeast Asia. It was like diving right into a secret garden under the sea, and then when you ascend back to the sea surface, you'll just let the feeling of thrilled overwhelming you for a moment, without saying any words -- I know you'll agree with me, cuz u were once a young and dangerous adventurer too who learn from our quest of discovering and exploring.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Merci. A Bientot.



alyaa.p said...

i know when I saw your comment name i've seen this name before and yes I've read your blog before thru a comment at SM's blog! hehe

thank you for reading and merry christmas and happy new year to you too. :)

Anonymous said...

A.T.T.I.T.T.U.D.E...define the words preciesely..n u'll get the 100%.. evry ppl hav diff attitudes n sumtimes..these diffs r the 'drivers' towards their own successful life.. perhaps..being young and adventurers n dangerous n spiderous like u is the 100% attitude u bear!!

Anonymous said...

i like ur style..sincere n something different (special)..
keep up ur good work...ur photos really capture memorable moment n nice view...

Anonymous said...

Aiman ponteng yer???

SpidEy d'lEfty said...

To alyaa.p, thanks for dropping by.. like most shopping malls have at their exit, i want to say: " Thank you and please come again!"

Dani, thanks again for your wise comment -- hey u are philosophical enuf to have ur own blog, y not give it a try?

Ok i know 1st anonymous is Ayu -- thanks for your kind words, and remeber to drop by oftenly.

2nd ano.., erm., are u the same guy/gurl that left those ano comment in my previous blog? whoever u are, u are still most welcome! (tp bagi tau lah namo mung!!)


Anonymous said...

I'm sure Prof. Rudy will forgive u for skipping her classes aft reading this post, cuz the coolest ATTITUDE bout learning is the DRIVE OF EXPLORING AND DISCOVERING, like u said, to explore our life, our dream, our wolrd, and ourselves.

Like this post man! but u still need to show the real pictures of the summit of Mt Kinabalu -- i assume u are WELL aware of it, aren't u??!?!?!?

fariz said...

you think you can get away with your absence heh with this soapy letter to your beloved frenchie... hehehe. nice try dude. Keep us in the know of his reply to you if any lah... :)

good to have your company climbing up there. if not, it will surely be lonely.

SpidEy d'lEfty said...

Haha brudder, mane lah aku brani nk hantor surat tu kt Prof Rudy? I sent a mail to him in fact but not this one.. :> and he replied and of course the reply mail is nothing related to all the 'BELIEF' stuff.. hehehe, sorry to let u down. :p ..

BTW, tgh tunggu ur post about our journey kt blog ko nih... cepat sket .. nnt bahang tu hilang..

To Shunza, thanks for ur nice words -- what a contradiction to what Fariz commented.. Hmmmm... Anyway yes u're RIGHT -- let's save the best to the last -- I'm going to post the pictures on the summit of the mountain very soon.., stay tuned, please dun go away. :>

..and if Fariz has blogged something bout the journey, u can also drop by his blog to enjoy the story.. (bang, amacam? BAIK PUNYER IKLAN NIH.. hehehehe..)


Sayuti said...

antar gi blajar, ko gi panjat gunung ye. potong elaun kang!


kama said...

alasan yg bernas mungkin?.. eager to know of what he's talking about.. thats why u skip ur class... hahahah.. to get the truth..

Anouk Suminar said...

yep yep...
there is no better pleasure than having the nature teach us how to keep on living and discovering..

you are surely a wanderlust, and you get a lot out of it too!