Sep 13, 2009

My Ruku' & Sujud..

I just realized that I always got something to say in every Ramadhan.

In 2006, I perceived Ramadhan as an endurance test, hence I wrote this;
in 2007, I celebrated Ramadhan on a Norwegian vessel, and had a thought about self-discipline, hence I wrote this;
in 2008, I came back from my Europe grand tour, with the musing from the tour I celebrated Ramadhan with a perception of faith, hence I wrote this.

In 2009, I entered Ramadhan with a new breath... and I find myself speechless.

Ramadhan doesn't feel the same anymore.

Too many things happened on me in this Ramadhan. I almost lost my hope in front of a musibah, I lost patience on my stupidity and inadequacy, I lost my temper and threw it to my dear brothers, I broke down and crumbled in front of God;

..but then, things changed. Along with my prayers, my ruku', my sujud, my re-composed belief towards Qada' and Qadar, things changed slowly in the same Ramadhan.

When I look back, this Ramadhan doesn't feel the same anymore -- when all about you before was shredded off, and all about you previously was redefined, what left behind is a naked core... the one you have nothing to hide but to face all your weaknesses, the one that will make you shamefully fallen on your knee, to ask for forgiveness from The Almighty..

This Ramadhan taught me the meaning of bertaqwa;
This Ramadhan offers me a month of self reflection, a month of inner self cleansing..

.. but it's just me being too dumb-witted, not picking up any drops of holiness of Ramadhan, but wasted, day after day, this only-one-month holy month.

When Ramadhan is approaching to its end, I find my desperation worsened -- I'm still on my way searching for the true meaning of Ramadhan, I still find myself stuck in a pressing urge when realizing my inadequacy in reciting Quran, I still failed here and there when come to bertaqwa, I still have the deep guilt-feel to think of my dosa...... -- but when Ramadhan is approaching to its end, missing any Terawih, or even a thought of missing one night of Terawih makes me feel guilty; loosing focus in my prayers makes me feel guilty; loosing grip on my Taqwa and patience makes me feel guilty; fall into the trap of desires makes me feel guilty....

Perhaps yesterday I was only a passenger walked by the door, hoping I could have a glance at what's behind it, and I thought I've learned well by peeping through the keyhole;

Today when I walked into the door of Ramadhan, my heart shivers and I'm blank baffled. There're more than what I thought I've learned, there're much heavier than what I thought I've enjoyed, and there're more sweetness than the fasting pain that I thought I've borne with..

Ramadhan doesn't feel the same anymore. My ruku' and sujud wouldn't feel the same anymore..


Sayuti said...

return to our fitrah - as a humble servant to the Almighty.

how i wish and pray i'll be able to feel what u r feeling here, bro.

thanks for the tazkirah.

SpidEy d'lEfty said...

oh man.. bukan tazkirah lah..

anyway, thanks for the comment..

aaa said...

He knows it all. There's a saying that for each step we take towards Him, the more steps He comes closer to us - sth along that line i think.. May we always remember to keep close to Him bro, amiin..

Kak TJ said...

Aiman, in every triumph there's a lot of try..dont give up and keep it up...sesungguhnya Allah itu maha pengasih dan penyanyang serta maha mengetahui...

Unknown said...

thanks Kak TJ, thanks you all who's liking it.. it took me awhile to put all these in words.. huhu..

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Fatma (FB) said...

ramai lagi yg dah lama islam tp tak dapat keinsafan yang mendalam like this. the 'guilty' feeling is good - it means you realised what you are still lacking and it does make you try to better yourself. Banyak anak muda lain langsung tak rasa 'guilty' pasal bab2 rohani ni. Persevere on, don't feel desperate because this will definitely take time, so have faith in yourself :)

p/s: itu gambar from handphone kat putrajaya hari tu ke..? ngggggg, impressive for a handphone. jealous ok?

Yusniza said...

love it..the writing as well as the pic...hehehe..

Shazlan (FB) said...

I'm sure that you're not the only one who's looking for the true meaning of Ramadhan.

One thing for sure is, I'm kinda glad that I'm not the only one doing so. =)

Amir (FB) said...

buta mata..tak nampak jalan di dunia..kerana tidak nampak cahaya...tidak mana hendak hilir atau ke hulu..bermaknalah..di dunia fana ini..bila mana mata tidak buta..melalui pengalaman diri..kerana jalan itu sudah biasa...

Fariz (FB) said...

Aku dok terbayang amir tgh nyanyi lagu nasyid sambil tangan dengan sopan kat atas dada. Hmm....

Taqwa is really a BIG word. Don't even know that I have reached that level or not after 31 years as a muslim. U are definitely on the right track to be dalam golongan orang2 bertaqwa. March forward head on, brother!

Amir (FB) said...

hmm..nie antara nasyid fav aku..lirik dia mmg mendalam gang...tapi tu lah..mungkin aku masih dalam golongan makhluk yg masih menghayati..some day..

ada pedoman..yg menunjuk kita..tongkat di tangan membantu jua..boleh jadi org simpati yang membawa..tapi jika buta hati menderita..

Nurita said...

Aiman....its touching me..

Nurita said...

Aiman....its touching me..

Unknown said...

Fatma, thanks for the kind words.. I'm just pursuing what I think is right and true... pasal anak muda lain yg u mention, i dun have any qualification to tegur or remind..and oh so YES, camera phone dah cukup dah tangkap gmbor cun, good bye DSLR.. :p

Kak Yus, aik comment kt sini? aka bukan selalu komen terus kt blog ker? heheh..

Shazlan my brother, there are still many many people out there are searching and wondering.. glad u are one of them..

Amir: thanks.

Khyirul (FB) said...

honestly. I seen so many changes in you bro!! maybe sebab kita jarang jumpa..and able for me to see the difference in you now and then. You look more relax, emotional more stable (takde jerit2 mcm dulu dah), temprement pun dah tak nampak, cool, happier, more serious, and the smiles....shining through your face. Bersih tue dah nampak.
Please bear in mind...iman nie turun naik. Ada masa biler iman tuhan kasi...kita jadi kuat.Relax ajer apa sahaja challenge or dugaan yang datang. So...iman tue kena maintain..sekali tuhan kasi, tak semestinyer iman tue sentiasa ada. Cara nak maintain terus dekat ngan DIA la..and please note tue..DIA akan terus test kita non stop. The more dia test...the more iman tue one can claim she/he dah beriman...nak tahu dah beriman ke tak..tunggu tuhan test.....tengok masa tu....lagi banyak tuhan test...lagi tinggi tahap iman the end, whatever dugaan datang, kita dah kuat..dah relax..well done bro!! keep it up and u are not alone....

CK (FB) said...

Perjalanan taqwa adalah sangat mudah. Tinggalkan apa yang dilarang, lakukan apa yang diperintah. perkara pokok perlu ditegakkan, perkara ranting buat penambah. Yang penting...Ikhlas dalam kemahuan untuk beribadah tanpa perlu sebab.Insya allah, semoga kita semua berada dalam limpah kurnia dan rahmatnya.

Dayang (FB) said...

Hatimu akan merasakan manisnya takdir tuhan jika engkau mencintaiNya..
engkau akan mencintaiNya jika engkau mengenalNya..
semakin tinggi pengenalanmu terhadap Tuhan semakin tinggi pula darjatmu..
dan semakin terasa agung ketentuanNya bagimu..
kerana itulah dikatakan orang yang paling mencintai ALLAH adalah orang yang paling mengenaliNya..

~Imam Al Hakim Al Tarmizi

janji Tuhanmu...
"maka kami ampuni baginya kesalahannya itu. dan sesungguhnya, dia mempunyai kedudukan yg sgt dekat di sisi kami dan tempat kembali yang baik."- shad:25

Unknown said...

Angah Fariz, Taqwa is a BIG word -- true.. so dun say I'm qualified to be in golongan orng bertaqwa.. huhuh.. berat tu~~

Kak Ita, thanks...

Brother KAO, aku rase yg shining part tu sbb lampu kt umah ko terang sgt kuut.. .thanks for the kind kind words.. thank you.

Nazim CK, ameen.

Hirdawati (FB) said...

Agreed with Fatma, banyakkan Sabr'. Shukr you be the chosen one to be blessed with Nur Iman. One who converts to Islam is totally reborn and starts with a clean record. You are one fresh new person. Alhamdulillah.

“I am born as Muslim, this is an advantage compared to convert!” That is so not true.
At least you indirectly tell me and the others Muslim born (brother and sisters) to wake up, or they will face the same punishment as the unbelievers. You are doing Da’wa through your writings, don’t’ you think?

Brother Aiman you are not alone, me also still learning and searching, InsyaAllah.

Farid Shah (FB) said...

teruskan perjalanan... aiman

Suhana (FB) said...

'm sorry i haven't been a great friend during your search for Islam, but i guess many others have been, and i am thankful for that.
Your note was a reminder to ALL, so thank you for that

Wan said...


SpidEy d'lEfty said...

Kak Long, I'm humbled...

Datuk, sama2 lah kite teruskan perjalanan..

Sue, this note is only a little thought in me... i hv no intention at all to put it in what u've said..

Wan: alamak singgah jugak eh mu kt sini.. malu malu.... :p

Arifah said...

Salam Aiman.

Selamat melalui hari-hari terakhir Ramadhan dengan penuh keimanan, ketaqwaan dan khusyu' yang sebenar-benarnya. May Allah guide us always in our quest for truth. InsyaAllah.

Anyway, I must apologize deeply, I can't seem to recall in what memory bank I kept my memories of you. Hoho. Care to enlighten me?

Arifah said...

Oh yes. After going through your blogrolls I think I remember - sebab ada blog kak yus. Hee. Kita pernah naik gunung Dato' same kan?


PapaJai said...

brader.. aku bukan org yg arif untuk memberi nasihat... malah aku sendiri masih meraba raba..
ko beruntung aiman.. ramai org yg menyokong kau.. so jgn rasa kerdil.. sebab mereka semua pasti membantu..

SpidEy d'lEfty said...

Yer Arifah, ko lah yg naik gunung datuk dgn beg messenger .. hebat sungguh... hehehe

thank you for your kind words..

Dayana said...

This is my favourite entry to date...
Thank you again aiman for sharing.... :)

Wan said...

x yah malu2 bro,kita sama2 mencari arah.harap2 x sesat jalan.

Unknown said...

Wan: ameen...

PapaJai: ko dah byk memberi nasihat, ko dah byk menolong gue, ko dah byk menyokong gue.. aku bersyukur dpt kawan2 mcm korng.. may Allah bless us all...

Teacher Dayana.. : I'm humbled.

Arifah said...

Would appreciate it if you care to disclose your email or ym messenger id. A conversation centered on faith would be wonderful. Thanks. =)


SpidEy d'lEfty said...



Siti said...

Aiman..tersentuh i baca your wring in My Ruku' & Sujud. Hidup 36 tahun sbg muslim pun masih mencari. I'm blessed to know you as a friend. We are all learners & i learn a lot from you lately.

Aiman said...

Hey Siti, nice to see u dropping by my little space here... I'm humbled by what hv u said.. tq..

ijol said...

Aiman... 1 more "very" touching notes from you....
(br jek sempat bc notes niih wlupon stlh lame di postkan)

Nothing much to say " sangat kagum " even Ijoi pon still masih mencari dan terkapai-kapai lagi.

"Perjalanan masih jauh tapii kita tak boleh just berdiam diri or berpeluk tubuh ajek.."

"The Long Journey Begin with The First Step"....

Tempuhi segala halangan walaupun perit kerana itu semua menjadikan kita lebih baik dari yang sedia ada...

Thanks Aiman for sharing.........

Tini said...

Aiman..same lah kite beajar n perbetulkan diri sendiri everi day n averi second...sentiasa muhasabah diri means cermin balik diri body perfect....Aiman.....sonok dapat this note from hang ...ape2 pun dont shy2 cat bertanya..okes?

aiman said...

ijoi, tini.. thank you very much.

Renjuna said...


semoga pemergian Ramadhan memberikan anjakan baru dalam diri saudara... (dan semua muslimin).. betul taqwa berpaksikan Iman ... iman yang hebat menjadikan diri lebih bertaqwa tetapi lebih tinggi imannya semakin hebatlah dugaan (qada n qadr)...

selamat menjalani puasa enam pulak ...

Sejahtera ke atas saudara.. Aminn

SpidEy d'lEfty said...


Thanks for the kind words..

Selamat berpose 6 to u too..

Shunza said...

This whole change brought u so deep down, this whole change brought u so well up.....

I'm touched, tough i'm not in the position to say anything.. but it's a sincere post... and while I'm writing the 41st comment, I beliv this new record / achievement is not merely due to the publication on another platform, but it's due to the thing u write, the thing that they-- ur reader-- feel..

yes.. we are UR READER now, brader..

congrats, i must say.

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